Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Why Don't Americans Ever Ask The Right Questions?
Posted 9/30/2008 8:54 PM EDT on democratandchronicle.com

I was reading an article in the USA Today called "A Chance to improve the bailout", written by Joseph E. Stiglitz who is a professor at Columbia University. Mr. Stiglitz was awarded the Nobel prize in economics in 2001 and served as chairman of President Clinton's Council of Economic Advisers, so I am assuming his facts are correct.

Before giving his opinion on the bailout, Mr. Stiglitz states, "Meanwhile, our national debt, which has increased from $5.7 trillion to more than $9 trillion in the last seven years, and was set to increase by almost $1 trillion more in the next couple of years without the bailout, will go up even more." He also said, "When interest rates return to more normal levels, of say 5%, this means we'll be paying as interest on our national debt more than half a trillion dollars a year....much of this money is borrowed abroad, especially from China." "There are no two ways about it: Our living standards in the future will be lower than otherwise would have been."

Doesn't this alarm anyone besides myself? That is almost the entire cost of the bailout each and every year! Why don't Americans ever ask the right questions? Who are these people that we are paying half a trillion dollars a year to? How much have we paid them already? What other countries are forced to pay large amounts of interest due to similar circumstances? How much money do these people have and What do they plan to do with it?

The amount of money spent paying the interest on the national debt, makes the bailout problem seem miniscule in comparison. WHY DOESN'T ANYONE TALK ABOUT THAT?

The President Would Never Lie , Would He

The President Would Never Lie, Would He?
Posted 9/29/2008 3:29 PM EDT on democratandchronicle.com

Considering the period from the end of WWII to today, there is plenty of evidence of presidential lies and ethical challenges that mare the records: Harry Truman concealed the truth about the Hiroshima and
Nagasaki bombings by claiming: “The first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, a military base. That was because we wished in this first attack to avoid, in so far as possible, the killing of civilians.” 215,000 mostly civilians were killed by the two bombs. His administration suffered from corruption, including the firing or forced resignations of 166 appointees in IRS.

Dwight Eisenhower famously lied on national TV about the U2 over flights of the Soviet Union just as a U2 was shot down over the Soviet Union. He started the covert CIA actions against Cuba, including authorization to kill Fidel Castro using exploding cigars and other creative devices.
Eisenhower made a good start on the nuclear arms race by advocating the only war the US should fight be all out nuclear hydrogen annihilation - even though he knew very well that would kill most Americans as well as most Soviets. His war plan said simply required “the simultaneous use of over 3,000 nuclear warheads against all communist countries”. Of course, he never told the American people or the international allies about that little secret.

John F. Kennedy wildly exaggerated his wartime PT boat successes. In the early 1950s, he was quite close to, and supported the McCarthy madness, including the mighty Senator himself. He concealed a
major drug dependency. Kennedy was a major Communist fear monger: he lied about a nonexistent Soviet threat: “We are now threatened with a missile gap that leaves us in a position of potentially grave danger.”
He very much avoided discussing his support of, and interference in, the Bay of Pigs disaster, claiming “I have previously stated and I repeat now that the United States intends no military intervention in Cuba.” His administration continued to plan Operations Northwood and Moongoose, both consisting on faked Cuban terrorist attacks on the US, followed by US retaliation.
Kennedy sent the Green Berets to Guatemala, eventually killing some 20,000 up till 1976 - continuing the long standing US policy to violently meddle in Central and Latin American countries. He sent the first significant troops to Vietnam. His acts contributed to the assassination of Vietnamese president Diem - earlier he favored
assassinations of Prime Minister Lumumba of the Congo and Trujillo of the Dominican Republic. Continuously, ethical issues hurt his short presidency contradicting his cult status.

Lyndon Johnson, viewed as one of the most treacherous (or skilled as some view it) of politicians, misrepresented his WWII record, receiving a Silver Star for nothing. He claimed his great-great-grandfather died at the Alamo - although no doubt he had a great-great-grandfather, that person died nowhere close to the Alamo. He hid the frauds of his first election to the US Senate. He concealed the truth about the Kennedy assassination, altering key documents.
Johnson lied about the Tonkin Bay incident, using the fictitious event to escalate the Vietnam war dramatically: “As President and Commander in Chief it is my duty to the American people to report that renewed hostile actions against United States ships on the high seas in the Gulf of Tonkin have today required me to order the military forces of the United States to take action in reply.” There were no hostile acts in the Tonkin Bay by North Vietnam at that time, much less renewed hostilities. Hard to believe, but his extramarital sex life apparently beat both JFK and Bill Clinton heads down. The standing DC joke was “How can you tell when Lyndon is lying?” The answer: “When his lips move.”

Richard Nixon - Tricky Dick - started his career by lying about campaign slush funds. Later, he concealed support to overthrowing a legal government in Chile, resulting in several thousand political killings and some 30,000 incidences of torture. He lied about tax evasion, campaign contributions, harassments and wire tabs. He concealed many aspects of the Vietnam War, including expanding it into Laos and Cambodia. The Watergate cover up is an American landmark of the worst kind. He
famously claimed not to be a crook. He did make a cocker spaniel named Checkers famous.

Jimmy Carter lied about the Iran hostage crisis and his earlier relationship with the Shah. In spite of his pious character, his administration was not as snow-white: his OMB chief, Bert Lance, had to resign; the Chief of Staff, Scott Hamilton, was scrutinized by a special prosecutor. His deranged brother Billy not only invented his own beer but acted as a paid agent of Libya. Add Debategate and Abscam to the record.

Gerald Ford, one of the more inoffensive presidents in recent memory, pardoned Richard Nixon which was legal although not very ethical. Known for tumbling down airport ramps, a murderous golf game and endless SNL jokes, his administration, not to mention himself, was the cleanest in ages.

Ronald Reagan like many others falsified his war record: He claimed he was an Army photographer filming Nazi death camps - that never happened; he spent that war in Hollywood. He presided over and lied about the Iran-Contra affair: “We did not - repeat - did not trade weapons or anything else for
hostages - nor will we.” Later, foolishly: “I’m afraid that I let myself be influenced by other’s recollections, not my own.” He was the president during most of the Nicaragua disaster where CIA and other US agencies went haywire, violating human rights and treaties, leading to a conviction in the International Court of Justice. He also reached fame for having 225 subordinates, such as Edward Meese, Michael Deaver, Samuel Pierce, James Watt and John Poindexter quitting in disgrace, being fired, arrested, indicted, convicted or in contempt of ethical standards.
Reagan also merrily stated: “Trees cause more pollution than automobiles do” and “In England, if a criminal carried a gun, even though he didn’t use it, he was tried for first-degree murder and hung if he was found guilty”.
Reagan’s tax policy contributed to the Savings and Loans scandal at a cost of $150 billion to tax payers or as much as $500 billion as viewed by some. Over 1,000 savings and loan institutions failed, leading to the 1990-91 recession. Senators Cranston, Riegle and DeConcini lost their jobs due to their relationship
with Charles Keating - John Glenn and John McCain had close calls.

George Bush Sr. lied about taxes (”Read my lips”), the Iran-Contra affair (”Out of the loop”), political murders by Chilean assassins and Koreagate. He did not readily discuss his relationships with Saddam Hussein (”Not prudent”), the bin Laden family or controversial Sun Myung Moon, who incidentally also had relations with Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. Nor does he touch on the many rumors of his involvement in virtually hundreds of scandals during his long tenure with CIA. His pardon of six Iran-Contra figures did not go over well. His betrayal of the Shiite Intifada uprising against Hussein right after the first Gulf War is truly shameful even by the Bush family standards.
Other Bush Sr. lies include showing crack cocaine props on national TV, claiming they were seized across the street from the White House. DEA had set up a teenage drug dealer who voiced: “Where the f**k is the White House?” Also, Bush claimed the Patriot missiles saved Israel by blowing away 41 of 42 incoming Scud missiles during the first Gulf War. One Scud was hit.

Bill Clinton also fantasized about war records: “I wound up just going through the lottery, and it was just a pure fluke that I was never called”. He had important recollections from his childhood: “Since I was a little boy, I’ve heard about the Iowa caucuses.” and “I have vivid and painful memories of black churches being burned in my own state when I was a child.” Clinton went to England to avoid the draft, among
other evasive tactics. There were no Iowa caucuses when Clinton was a little boy. No black churches were ever burnt in Arkansas.
Clinton got caught in Monica Lewinsky (”I want you to listen to me. I’m going to say this again: I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.”). Then there were various other ladies of fortune, cigars, land holdings, campaign contributions, stock affairs, the White House travel firings and who knows what else. Impeachment and disbarment followed. The Lincoln Bedroom sales were not generally admired. The mystery of Vince Foster’s suicide and the investigations of Ron Brown, Commerce Secretary remain foggy items. Then there was Chinagate, Pardongate, Filegate and Whitewater.

The Eventual Legacy of George W. Bush
George W. Bush is likely the least ethical and the most incompetent president ever. He lies about, distorts or hides anything not promoting his distorted world view (Wars on Terror, Terrorists, Iraq, the UN, the international justice system; the Constitution, various laws and treaties, Civil Rights, Afghanistan, Islam, Gays, Pro Choice, Stem Cells, Mexicans, Climate, Environment, Social Entitlements, Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Russia, China, the poor, the mentally ill, the disadvantaged, the middle class…..), self image (Decider, Commander Guy, Dictator, No Mistakes, Christian Crusader, War President….) and self interest (Power, Avoid War Criminal charges,
Financial…..). Stubborn, blind sided, intolerant, inflexible and lacking curiosity, he does not even tolerate the advice of his dwindling supply of supporters. Blurring the Constitution on State-Church separation, he apparently prefers a joint venture with God to one with humans: “I trust God speaks through me. Without that, I couldn’t do my job.” Modest, isn’t he.
His Vietnam (non)war record is hidden in deep smoke screens - joining the Texas National Guard was made possible by the power of his father, followed by a career in the Guard with illegally unfulfilled attendance. Later, he was accused of insider trading of Harken Energy stock. He is close to many implicated in the Enron scandal - Kenny Lay, for instance, was a major donor to Bush campaigns.
He misunderstands terrorism and how to fight it. He declared war on Islam believing Islam = Terrorism, successfully, as it turned out, in creating a spirited insurgent and terrorist response, killing thousands a month. As he said: “The United States of America is engaged in a war against an extremist group of folks”. Utterly failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan kill Americans on a daily basis, costing billions with zero benefit and a disastrous outlook. For example: “The British
Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.”; “You know, one of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror”; and “We found the weapons of mass destruction. We found biological laboratories. You remember when Colin Powell stood up in front of the world, and he said, Iraq has got laboratories, mobile labs to build biological weapons.” All lies. No foundation in reality. Still mindlessly defended.
He is hard at work spreading nuclear arms all over the globe. Today, the issue is North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, India and Israel. Tomorrow, it might be Lebanon, Syria, Alaska intuits, Congo, Parisian suburbs, Denmark and Ohio. He is destroying relations with China and Russia, losing long standing allies, insulting every one in the process. Every responsible leader wants the US out of Iraq, including his father, James Baker, most of Congress and the American people. He responds by increasing troop levels: “The solution to Iraq is more than a military mission. Precisely the reason why I sent more troops into Baghdad.”
He refuses to deal with Global Warming especially as his Supreme Court ordered him to do so and a united world demands it. He wants to drill for more oil domestically, increasing carbon emissions. He engages in a meaningless ethanol agreement with Brazil while keeping a huge tariff on Brazilian ethanol. His domestic ethanol policy is controversial indeed as ethanol production requires more energy than produced and causes more pollution than gained. His own Generals are concerned Global Warming is a national security issue, not to mention the warnings of thousands of scientists and the UN. He directed the EPA to break pollution laws. He ordered EPA scientists to falsify climate data and lie to the world, including Congress.
Bush continues his attempts to dismantle the Geneva Conventions in favor of water boarding and other forms of torture. He maintains illegal prisons all over the world, filled with illegally detained prisoners without legal representation, charges or trial. He ignores international laws and treaties, not to mention the US Constitution, Civil Rights and Privacy laws. He maintains support (so far) for a lawless Attorney General and Dirty Harry Karl Rove, just as he did with a megalomaniac Secretary of Defense.
On a positive note, it appears he is not contributing to the 137 count of known presidential mistresses over the last 218 years. It is not clear why that is the case.
This is a very brief discussion of the Bush White House and the man himself. Those interested in a more complete list might check out Wikipedia’s page on Bush “controversies”, listing about 250 specific entries. Happy reading. It’s not very funny.
This information was taken in it's entirety from:

Sunday, September 28, 2008

They Just Take Turns

Posted 9/28/2008 4:49 PM EDT on democratandchronicle.com

If history was ever used as an indicator of who will be our next president, it would be obvious that Obama is destined to win the next election. Why is that, you might ask. The answer is simple, because THEY JUST TAKE TURNS!

Since the end of World War ll, when Harry S. Truman was president right up until the end of Bush's presidency, the democrats and republicans have just taken turns running the country. They each get 8 years to do it their way, then they must switch. There has been only one exception to this "rule" in the last 63 years. That is just as sophisticated as it gets. I know you thought there was a lot more to it, but there's not.

Let's take a look shall we?

Harry S. Truman (D): 1945-1953; ...........democrats have presidency for 8 years

Dwight D. Eisenhower (R): 1953-1961; ...republicans have presidency for 8 years

John F. Kennedy (D): 1961-1963;

Lyndon B. Johnson (D): 1963-1969; ........democrats have presidency for 8 years

Richard M. Nixon (R): 1969-1974;

Gerald R. Ford (R): 1974-1977; ...............republicans have presidency for 8 years

James E. Carter (D): 1977-1981; .............democrats have presidency for 4 years

Ronald W. Reagan (R): 1981-1989;

George H. W. Bush (R): 1989-1993; .........republicans have presidency for 12 years

William J. Clinton (D): 1993-2001; ............democrats have presidency for 8 years

George W. Bush (R): 2001-2009...............republicans have presidency for 8 years

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Will the American Dollar Be the Next Casualty?

Will the American Dollar Be the Next Casualty?
Posted 9/23/2008 2:52 PM EDT on democratandchronicle.com

Time magazine recently featured an article about the current financial crisis in their September 29, 2008 issue. The article "The Price of Greed was written by Andy Serwer and Allen Sloan, the Managing Editor and Senior Editor of Fortune magazine.

This article confirmed what I said earlier on September 16th in my blog, Planned Economic Collapse, where I described how insiders confiscate the wealth of America by expanding then contracting the money supply, restricting the ability of business' to obtain loans, causing bankruptcies, default and confiscation of businesses.

The article clearly states that "AIG, like Lehman, was ultimately done in by credit rating agencies" who "At the beginning are far too lenient with borrowers", then, "the raters tighten up, maybe too much, then memory fades and the cycle repeats." That is exactly what I said happens. AIG's credit rating was downgraded, forcing them to post more collateral, $14 billion more overnight. Of course, they could not meet this unrealistic obligation, and their business was confiscated by the Federal Reserve who now owns 79.9% of it.

The Time article also stated, "A big reason the Fed and the Treasury felt compelled to bail out Fannie and Freddie was the fear that if they didn't, foreigners wouldn't continue funding our trade and budget deficits." That was quite the revealing statement. Foreign Central Banks are mentioned several times.

What happens when the foreigners (International Bankers) finally do lose confidence in the American Dollar and the ability of the American people to pay back an $11 TRILLION debt? It is only a matter of time. What if the American Dollar gets "downgraded" forcing the Government to put up more collateral which it doesn't have? What if the International Bankers tell us they want their money now, similar to what happened to AIG and Lehman Brothers? What if the International Bankers force the United States Government to merge it's currency with Canada and Mexico as a condition to continue to lend us money?

Our economies are already now intricately interwoven because of NAFTA and other fair trade agreements. Why not simplify and take it to the next step like they did in Europe? The Eurodollar replaced all the currencies of individual sovereign nations. When you are forced to use Amero-dollars, remember you heard it here first.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


What is all the fuss about "The Government" having to bail out the "Banksters" ? To me, it seemed like a pretty good deal. The Federal Reserve (not really the government) just bailed out AIG by giving them an 85 billion dollar loan. In exchange for this loan, the Federal Reserve received a 79.9% stake in the company. Did you get that? The Federal Reserve now owns 79.9% of AIG.

The stated purpose for the buyout (loan), was to give AIG adequate time to sell off it's assets. The Democrat and Chronicle stated that AIG's assets were approximately 1 trillion dollars. So when AIG is done selling it's assets, The Federal Reserves' share of the proceeds will be in the neighborhood of 800 billion dollars. (79.9% x 1trillion) Not a bad profit. 715 Billion dollar profit for the Federal Reserve on this transaction alone. If the Federal Reserve is not allowed to make a profit, this should be great news for the taxpayer. Call me a skeptic, but for some reason I do not envision the taxpayer making out on this deal.

This whole deal is reminiscent of THE IMF International Monetary Fund, which is also made up of International Bankers, taking control of third world countries by granting them loans. Take for instance when the IMF was going to lend Indonesia 20 billion dollars a few years ago to ward off bankruptcy. Indonesia's first response was an outright refusal to take the loan from the IMF. The stated reason for refusing the loan was that "accepting the loan would be tantamount to "GIVING UP THEIR NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY." In the end they took the loan because they had no other choice.

International Bankers are in business to make money. The Federal Reserve System was designed by International Bankers and is owned by International Bankers. If you doubt this then you can wait by your mailbox for your share of the 715 Billion Dollar profit that the Federal Reserve stands to make from AIG.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Federal Reserve IS NOT Owned or Controlled by The Federal Government

There seems to be quite an enormous misconception about who owns and controls the Federal Reserve. Most people mistakenly believe that the Federal Government owns and controls the Federal Reserve. With all the financial turmoil taking place, I urge you to spend a little more time investigating this question. After all it is your money they are stealing!
The following explanation should be relatively easy for the average person to understand. It will be much more difficult for the average person to accept because he must first admit that he has been deceived thus far. I urge you to take a couple of hours out of your busy schedule and thou roughly research this subject yourself.

Question: Who owns the Federal Reserve Banks?

Answer: The Federal Reserve Banks of each region are owned by (issue their stock exclusively to) the member banks of that same region. The member banks are privately owned corporations. Thus the Federal Reserve Banks are privately owned. This is a matter of law and anyone may read the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 for themselves (see below).

Question: Why then do some people deny that the Federal Reserve Banks are owned by private corporations?

Answer: Three groups of people deny this fact, for differing reasons:
The first group consists of the private owners of the Federal Reserve Banks, and their shills. It is obviously not in their interest that the American people realize that private bankers own what most people regard as a part of the public treasury and government. The people would doubtless not like it if they knew that the stockholders of the Federal Reserve Banks receive 6% interest (raised higher in the past) per year on their stock ownership, risk free. The people would be legitimately concerned to know that the member bank stockholders elect six of the nine members (i.e., 2/3rds) of the Boards of the reserve banks of their regions. Rather than regulating or controlling the activities of private banks in their regions, the opposite is the case.
The second group consists of those persons who, in their ignorance, have believed the propaganda of the Federal Reserve Banks, which sometimes issue ambiguous, doublespeak statements attempting to obfuscate their private bank ownership. Here is a typical example from the NY Fed website, quite easily seen through: “Although they are set up like private corporations and member banks hold their stock, the Federal Reserve Banks owe their existence to an act of Congress and have a mandate to serve the public. Therefore, they are not really "private" companies, but rather are "owned" by the citizens of the United States…Member banks do, however, receive a fixed 6 percent dividend annually on their stock and elect six of the nine members of the Reserve Bank's of their region… the Reserve Banks issue shares of stock to member banks.”
The third group consists of those people who consider that because the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors is appointed by the President and approved by the Senate that the Fed is firmly under government control and that this is sufficiently equivalent to ownership to put them at ease (never mind the outright private bank control of the 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks). Let’s hear how the Fed itself regards such indirect “government control” (again from the NY Fed website): The Federal Reserve System is not "owned" by anyone and is not a private, profit-making institution. Instead, it is an independent entity within the government, having both public purposes and private aspects.

These questions and answers were taken in their entirety from The Money Masters

STILL DON"T BELIEVE IT? CHECK OUT this Federal Court decision about who owns the Federal Reserve

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

The history and authenticity of The Protocols of the Learned Elders Of Zion are at the very least subject to debate. The only problem, is the difficulty one encounters finding someone willing to debate or even discuss the issue. People who are informed enough to even know what the Protocols are, for the most part, haven't actually sufficiently researched them because they fear being labeled Anti-Semetic!

Fortunately, there are people like myself who do not fear "politically correct intimidation tactics", who have thoroughly researched The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. We study them with earnest while comparing them to today's newspaper headlines and we also realize their prophetic biblical significance. The protocols are a detailed plan for world domination, allegedly written by rich Jews at the end of the 19th-century. The Protocols in their current form are allegedly transcripts of the speech by Theodore Hertzel in 1897. The Anti-Defamation League will tell you that The Protocols are An anti-semetic, Catholic forgery. It has also been claimed that The Protocols were taken from an earlier work called Machiavelli's Diatrades in Hell.

Regardless of the origin of The Protocols, the fact remains that they are still a detailed plan for world domination that parallels both today's headlines and Bible Prophecy. Somebody had to write The Protocols, so whoever wrote them over a century ago was either psychic or had some kind of inside information. Think about it. What do you think the odds are of correctly predicting, over 100 years ago that Jews will control the media. When I say control, I mean own because in my opinion , it's the same thing. Furthermore, the other themes talked about in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion are World Government, World Wars, false flag operations, brainwashing, economic depressions and undermining financial systems. All these things are to be used to gain World power. Wikipedia and hundreds of other sources will confirm this.

I am not anti-jewish. I recognize the fact that Hitler used "the Protocols" to persecute the jews. That certainly is not my intention. I truly believe that the Jews are God's chosen people. Biblically speaking though, the Jews are currently out of God's favor because of their rejection of Jesus Christ. They will not be restored to their place of prominence in God's Kingdom, and they will continue to be persecuted until they repent as a Nation and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. This will not take place until after what the Bible refers to as the "Tribulation" period.

The Learned Elders of Zion are the same people that I choose to call The Illuminati. They have many different names. They come from many different organizations such as the Bilderbergers, The Skull and Bones (President Bush), the CFR and The Trilateral Commission. They have been around for many, many years and they have an agenda, WORLD DOMINATION!

For more information on this subject, I am going to recommend several books. Most of these books can be read on my website for free. Circle of Intrigue , The Rockefeller File, Behold A pale Horse, Illuminati Bloodlines. None Dare Call It Conspiracy. Philip Dru.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Federal Reserve

Please watch this short video about the Federal Reserve and then check out the link.


The latest economic woes on Wall Street, the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers and the buyout of Merrill Lynch is just the latest "act" in the "Drama" that I like to call THE PLANNED ECONOMIC COLLAPSE OF AMERICA. The powers behind the scenes, The International Bankers or the Illuminati are purposely confiscating the remaining wealth in America. This is necessary to effectively integrate the United States into the NEW WORLD ORDER. The Illuminati know that Americans will not accept the NWO agenda if their standard of living is much better than the rest of the world's. Therefore it was necessary to systematically decimate the wealth of America and Americans.
The Illuminati consistently manipulate the stock market, reaping huge profits for themselves. They buy low and sell high. They can cause recessions or depressions and recoveries by the mere act of tightening or loosening borrowing standards and constricting the supply of money. For instance, they can force small businessmen into bankruptcy by tightening the money supply (refusing to grant them loans) then they confiscate his business. If you find this hard to believe , I ask you What do you think a recession is?
How about NAFTA and GATT? The end result of these treaties was the loss of millions of American jobs. Why? To bring the standard of living in America down of course and raise it in the countries that our jobs went to. The more intelligent question to ask is why did both parties, Democrats and Republicans overwhelmingly support these treaties when the end result could have been nothing other than the loss of American jobs? Are you asking me to believe that none of the "experts" foresaw this?
What about the Federal Reserve? The Federal reserve is a private corporation owned by the International Bankers. They are in business to make a profit, not look out for your best interest. The Constitution of The United States grants the government the sole authority to print and distribute money. The Government has relinquished this right to the Federal Reserve. This is how it works. The Federal Reserve prints up new money, which they lend to the United States Government at high interest rates, reaping huge profits annually with little or no investment. Then the government levies taxes on it's citizens (income tax) to pay the interest to these International Bankers.
The best explanation that you will get or give for the existence of the Federal Reserve System is that it was designed to prevent the collapse of the major Financial Institutions. Ask Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers or Merrill Lynch how they made out. However, I shed no tears for these institutions because whatever happens, IT WAS DONE BY DESIGN NOT BY ACCIDENT!!

Monday, September 15, 2008


This video Famous Satanists is the most popular video that we have produced thus far. Mike LaRocca is giving brief descriptions and explanations for the various pictures on the board.
Apparently the satanists who view the video seem to have some difficulty believing that Yoda, the character from star wars may have originated from a picture of baphomet. Many of the comments reflect their discomfort with our hypothesis.
Watch the video, then look at the picture below. Please feel free to give your own opinion. The people commenting on the video alone did not have the benefit of seeing the close up picture below. You do, Tell me what you think!


In case you're not quite convinced that you shouldn't drink the water because of the dangers of fluoride alone, then the article in today's paper may change your mind. According to the article, Drugs contaminating U.S. drinking water, "U.S. hospitals and long-term care facilities annually flushed millions of pounds of unused pharmaceuticals down the drain pumping contaminants into America's drinking water, according ongoing Associated Press investigation."
Much of the pharmaceutical waste is unmetabolized medicine that is flushed into the sewers and waterways through human excretion. Add to that, up to 250 million pounds of pharmaceutical waste dumped into the sewers by hospitals and other health-care facilities. Hospital waste is particularly laden with both germs and antibiotics.
"In tests of waste water retrieved near other European hospitals and one in Davis County, UT, scientists were able to link drug dumping to virulent antibiotic resistant germs and genetic mutations that may promote cancers"..." the Environmental Protection Agency is considering whether to impose the first national standard for how much drug waste may be released into the waterways by the medical services industry"
Hospitals and other health care providers regularly dump unused medicine into the sewers, regular citizens do the same. Big business also dumps millions of pounds of toxic chemicals into our waterways. Furthermore most municipalities purposely add fluoride to our drinking water even though it is a known toxin.
Do yourself a favor. Don't drink the tap water.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Are you are one of those people that still think the World Trade Center Towers fell straight down on their own due to fire because that's what your government told you happened? Then I have just three things to say to you.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I reread this book today and I was just amazed at the things that our government admits to. In 1975, President Gerald Ford commissioned Vice-President Nelson Rockefeller to investigate abuses committed by the CIA. The Commission, headed by Nelson Rockefeller (Illuminati) was directed to determine whether any domestic CIA activities exceeded the Agency's statutory authority and to make appropriate recommendations.

The book deals with a number of specific abuses including spying on American citizens, alleged plans to assassinate foreign leaders and conducting"Human Experiments" with LSD and other drugs on unsuspecting citizens. I would like to share a few excerpts from this report.

pg. 4 Government Must Obey the Law "The individual liberties of American citizens depend on government observance of the law" Whenever the activities of a government agency exceed it's authority, individual liberty may be impaired.

pg 8. "we believe that these countries can monitor and record thousands of private telephone conversations. Americans have a right to be uneasy if not seriously disturbed at the real possibility that their personal and business activities which they discuss freely over the telephone could be recorded and analyzed by agents of foreign powers"

Apparently this right to be disturbed only applies when other governments spy on us, not our own!

pg. 9 Summary of Charges and Findings

1. "Large scale spying on American citizens"

2. "Keeping dossiers on large numbers of American citizens"

3. "Aiming these activities at Americans who have expressed their disagreement with various government policies."

- "Had intercepted and opened mail in the United States for 20 years"

-"Had infiltrated domestic dissident groups"

-"Had engaged in illegal wiretaps and break-ins"

Get the picture? This Report is almost 300 pages long. The CIA was caught doing all kinds of illegal things. The Commission was assembled to appease the outcries of the American people. Recommendations were made but it it quite obvious that they were never followed, nor was their ever any penalty. This was over 30 years ago. Imagine what they are doing today.

If you get the opportunity, read this book. Once you realize what your government is capable of, other things will be much easier to understand.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


All of us who live in Rochester, NY have the unfortunate distinction of living in a city that was involved in human radiation experiments on unsuspecting individuals during the 1940's and 1950's. The majority of these individuals DID NOT VOLUNTEER to participate in these experiments, nor did they give any kind of consent. Some were children who were fed RADIATION in their breakfast. Some were in a coma when they were injected with killer doses of plutonium.

Experiments were conducted by the Atomic Energy Commission at Strong Memorial Hospital and The University of Rochester. Innocent, unsuspecting people were injected with Plutonium and it killed them. Even though this happened in the 1940's and 1950's, it still disgusts me. I was raised here. I have been to Strong Memorial Hospital. My children were all raised here too.

What makes the whole thing even worse is the fact that a relative of one of the victims, is a friend of mine. We have worked together for over 25 years. Years ago he was the recipient of a token settlement from the government for the death of his aunt, since he was the only living relative. Recently, I saw a picture of his aunt in the movie "The Fluoride Deception" so I shared it with him.

For more information on these "human radiation experiments" check out these links:

The moral of the story is IT CAN AND DID HAPPEN HERE!! Keep this in mind next week when you ask yourself again "COULD PEOPLE WITHIN OUR OWN GOVERNMENT HAVE REALLY BEEN INVOLVED IN THE 911 TRAGEDY?? If you sincerely want the answer to this question, then do your own research. You will be surprised what you learn.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Don't Drink the Water

I recently had the opportunity to view a movie called "the fluoride deception " with Christopher Bryson, the author of the book The Fluoride Deception. Now, after living in Rochester, NY, my whole life, I knew that our drinking water was not the cleanest, but I had no idea.

What I discovered was that the fluoride in our water is not the same kind of fluoride that is good for your teeth, nor is it the same kind of fluoride that is found naturally in water. The fluoride that is in our drinking water is a highly toxic chemical that has been added, it apparently comes from smokestack scrubbers that produce phosphate fertilizer. Studies have shown that there is absolutely no benefit derived from fluoride being added to our water supply. Quite the contrary!

Among other things, consumption of FLUORIDE from drinking water makes you RETARDED! Fluoride lowers your IQ, is used to make anti-psychotic drugs and is being used "deliberately to dumb down the masses". It is a known fact that the CIA spent many years experimenting with many different ways to control human behavior.

Between controling the media and Hollywood, getting half the population hooked on drugs, prescription or otherwise and drugging the rest of the population with fluoride, the NWO elite are effectively contolling human behavior. If you don't believe it, take a good look around and I DARE YOU TO CHECK IT OUT FOR YOURSELF!